All Ganache All the time?

So, after my last shot with ganache on Will’s cake, I thought “hey, people make whole cakes frosted with that, let’s make a crap ton of gFresh Ganacheanache and see where it goes!






So with the ganache done, I figured I’d frost a buttercake with the stuff and then add some hazel nuts on top to add some variant texture.
Hazelnut spread







This was the result. My friend HEAVILY recommended if I attempt an all ganache cake again I use butter in the recipe to make it look glossier and prettier. I might attempt it again some time in the future (and put the hazelnuts on the side of the cake rather than the top), but overall, this might just have been too much danged chocolate for anyone to eat. Likely, I might just do a ganache coating and some frosting layers of not ganache.

And sorry, I forgot to take a picture of the layers this time, but they were terrible anyways. Not a thing of beauty at all. I used extra ganache to smooth out the inconsistencies.

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